Ranking Chief

Are you a realtor? If you have nodded yes to that question then you would know one thing evidently and that is the use of a good real estate lead generation process. You will have to implement the best ways to generate leads for real estate to make your business successful.

Technology is evolving. There was a time when real estate agents relied on word-of-mouth references but now the implementation of the best SEO trends is the real deal.

We’re sure you know this, don’t you?

SEO is a long-term and proven strategy for generating more leads and converting them as well. If you have been looking for the best ways to generate leads for real estate then this is it.

We Promise to Double Your Business by Doubling Your Conversion Rate.

Ranking Chief provides the best quality SEO services for your property business to get more organic traffic, leads, credibility, authority, and ultimately more clients.

Below, you will find the 12 best ways to generate leads for real estate. These ways will help you grow your business and the overall revenue as well.

12 Best Ways to Generate Leads for Real Estate

1. Hire an SEO Agency

Search engine optimization is an important aspect of the growth strategy for any business in the present world. According to Forbes, over 75% of users do not even go past the first page of Google. 

Hence, if a business has to succeed then it must be optimized on the first page. Hiring an SEO agency can be of immense help to make sure that your real estate business lands on the first page of Google. 

Have you already hired an SEO agency?

If yes, then you are on the right path, and if not then you must find a good agency as soon as possible. You will be amazed to know the benefits that hiring an SEO agency can bring to generating new leads.

2. Lead Generation Ads

Out of the multiple search engine ranking factors, lead generation ads come at the top. Instead of moving people to a landing page, these ads have a form that most users can fill out.

The lead generation ads attract many leads. Remember to do the following while creating an ad the next time.

  • Make sure that the content is attractive enough to stop your customers immediately. Use short and crisp copy for your ads.
  • If there are forms in the ad then ensure that they are short ones.
  • Write the CTA in an attractive way.

3. Video Testimonials

You will be amazed to know this. However, as many as 95% of people declare that reviews affect their purchasing decisions considerably.

Video testimonials are a powerful method of enhancing a brand’s credibility in front of the audience. You can win more business easily by using the potential of video testimonials.

When you allow a customer to talk about your business in a video, you are likely to get more points from your prospects. There will be a sense of authenticity in your claims.

Did you know?

Over 77% of people have seen a testimonial video as it plays a role in prompting them to purchase products and services. So if you are a realtor who is trying to generate more leads then you know just what to do.

3. Referrals from Customers

This is another one of the best ways to generate leads for real estate. Referrals are a good way to attract more customers and retain them as well.

It is said that a referred customer actually has a considerably higher value as compared to a non-referred customer. This value is as much as 16%.

One of the problems in asking for more referrals is that you might also end up offending customers, particularly the high-end ones. However, the fact of this matter is most customers will be happy to give you one.

As many as 82% of real estate agents have been attracting more business by referrals of friends, family, previous clients, personal contacts, etc.

4. Start a Blog

A good way to use the potential of SEO for real estate investors is by starting a blog. A nicely written and optimized blog ranks higher on most search engines.

Statistics say that brands which create as many as 15 blogs a month can attract over 1200 new leads a month. However, creating 15 blogs should not be done just for the sake of creating more content.

If you run a real estate company then you should be focused on generating leads with blog posts that are written to develop authority. You should have an understanding of SEO so that everything can be optimized well.

Real Estate Podcast:

Podcasting is an excellent way to generate more leads. Over 38% of listeners tend to purchase products mentioned in the podcasts.

It turns out that many people listen to podcasts while they commute. They work because they are very easy to consume.

As a realtor, you can create podcasts on important topics and spread relevant knowledge amongst your audience. Try to create podcasts with your phones and other platforms as well.

You can also create and publish your podcasts on YouTube, Spotify, Soundcloud, etc. That said, you will need a good strategy to promote these podcasts as well. It must be ensured that more and more people are listening to them.

Create Attractive Contact Forms:

An attractive contact form is a significant part of a well-formed SEO strategy. Are you taking SEO services?

If yes then make sure that you understand the importance of a Contact form and add that to your SEO cost calculator.

A good contact form will allow your real estate business to convert the visitors that are coming to your website. Make sure that you have the contact form on the home page or the landing page.

Online Marketplace:

Have you added your property to the online real estate marketplace? If you look up online then there will be many groups and communities that will advertise houses for rent or lease. Make sure that you become a part of these groups.

What’s more, there are many other platforms that are meant for people to put up listings. You can post about your property and attract leads in your inbox. This is very helpful because many people use the marketplace these days.

Real Estate Events:

There are various tradeshows and expos happening frequently. You can be a part of them on a consistent basis as this can be one of the best ways to get quality leads.

Being a part of real estate events and tradeshows is one of the best ways to generate leads for real estate. What’s more, you can also exhibit at these events for attracting many buyers.

CRM Tool:

As we have seen above, referrals and past customers bring in more business. When they do, how will you manage your relationships with them? Of course, this cannot be done manually or just by memorizing.

A CRM is important for attracting new business and offering support to the present customers. Using CRMs help in tracking leads that have a high probability of becoming your customers.

There are many best CRM tools available in the market. You can use them for following up with leads and ensuring that your real estate deals do not get lost.

Agent to Agent Referrals:

An agent referral takes place by connecting another real estate agent with someone you know. Basically, when you refer someone to another agent, you can get a good percentage of commission.

On the other hand, when you receive a referral then you will have to pay a percentage to the agent who referred it. Agent-to-agent referral is not only one of the best ways to generate leads for real estate but also to make connections.

You can enjoy passive income with the agent-to-agent referrals. The more referrals you send to other agents, the more referral checks you will get when deals are closed.

12. Use Your Database

An effective way to keep generating more business is by working with your present and past clients. Use your database to inform the property owners in your database.

As a real estate agent, have you been trying to know your customer? Go a step ahead and share useful knowledge with them so that you can win. Your database is a golden tool.

Use your database to generate more leads and you will discover how effective can your work actually become. There will be a rich source of present clients who can find more customers.

Your database can be used to take the following actions.

  • Send your customers an email with a suitable referral program.
  • Create a newsletter to explain how you are welcoming your customers.
  • Inspire your present customers by sharing relevant social media content.

When you take the above-mentioned actions, you will be able to improve sales performance tremendously. As a result, your business will grow just as you want.


Generating leads does not always have an instant impact. However, you can be assured that the efforts will build your business with time.

You can either work on generating leads by yourself or you can also take support. Get in touch with us if you have an idea in your mind or if you need help with something. Our team will be happy to support you.