Ranking Chief

Average Cost of SEO For Small Business

Small and medium-sized businesses do not have it easy. They have a lot to think about while optimizing their costs for various processes. While a small business may be prepared to start hiring SEO services, the cost may be a concern.

It goes without saying that the average cost of SEO for small businesses must be cost-effective. Hence, small business owners should do dedicated research that allows them to know more about the costs and choose a price that suits them the best.

Different companies have different budgets when it comes to spending on marketing activities. If you run a small business then you can most certainly make your own budget but there are many aspects to be mindful of while you do the same.

Looking to Get Your Business At the Top of the Internet?

At Ranking Chief, we offer the best SEO services that are focused on promoting your brand and leaving a strong message in the minds of your customers. Get in touch to know more about the wide range of services we offer and give your business the growth it deserves.

While it is okay to keep the average cost of SEO services as an important concern, it is also necessary to ensure that you get better output from SEO campaigns. This is the reason why you need SEO costs in advance.

In this blog, we will know more about the average cost of SEO services per month for small businesses and how to measure organic ROI with the help of an SEO cost calculator.

SEO Cost for Small Businesses Per Month:

Although the money that a small business is willing to spend on SEO services is entirely subjective, there is a standard minimum and maximum cost.

On average, the average cost of SEO for small businesses is around $750 to $2000 per month. Of course, there are many companies that spend beyond $2000 as well but the amount that a company is spending is again subjective to the needs.

Factors that Determine SEO Costs:

There are some defining factors that determine the average cost of SEO per month. These factors commonly include the pricing model of the agency, the experience of the agency, the project timeline of the agency, and the tools and resources of the agency.

While considering the search engine optimization costs, you must remember that SEO is an investment. You are essentially preparing your website for success by making it visible on search engines. This will help your business to get more traffic, leads, and sales.

When compared with other digital marketing strategies such as PPC, SEO is more like a long-term investment for your company’s success. It continues offering a good return on investment while PPC is a strategy that does not respond after you stop spending.

While considering the average cost of SEO services, the focus must be on partnering with an experienced and qualified service partner as opposed to the cheapest provider available. Low-cost SEO services do not benefit your business. In fact, they harm your business by getting your website removed forever.

Different SEO Services:

When you start looking for the best SEO services to complete your project, you’ll find that no two consulting firms price their services the same way. Factors including company size, business model, and SEO services define the scope of the SEO plan and the price that is eventually paid for it.

That said, there are some basic SEO pricing models that different agencies use for determining how much their SEO services can cost. The common ones of these include hourly, project basis, and monthly rates.

Average SEO Cost for Small Business: Monthly, Hourly, and Project-Based SEO Rates

Hourly $20 to $500
Project-Based $4000 to $10,000
Monthly $300 to $5000

– Hourly SEO Rates: This is the most basic plan that is charged by SEO companies. The average cost of SEO for small businesses on an hourly rate can be from $20 to $500 per hour.

The price that is finalized at the end depends on whether they hire an individual or a small team and whether the consultant is a newbie or comes with years of SEO experience.  

SEO Cost for Small Business

– Project SEO Rates: This is not so much of a common SEO plan. However, a company may occasionally hire an agency to execute an SEO strategy on a specific project. The project needs vary by company and campaign and hence it is often difficult to offer an estimate.

The price can range from $4000 to $10,000. The final average cost of SEO for small businesses is based on the time frame, project scope, and experience level when done on a project basis.

– Monthly SEO Rates: While considering the average cost of SEO services, this is the most common model for companies that wish to implement an SEO strategy. The idea is that the company must use services on per need basis.

The monthly rates can start from $300 per month and go up to $5000 per month. If you choose a minimal plan then the SEO services are basic such as on-page optimization and content marketing. On the other hand, if you choose a good plan then the SEO companies produce the best content while outreaching it to other sides for building links.

The benefit of this pricing model is the simple fact that as you build on the relationship with the SEO agency, they will be able to build your website’s SEO with time. If you are calculating the average cost of SEO for small businesses then we recommend going with this model.

Paying For SEO: Find the Perfect Number

All small business owners wish to put in the right cost while doing SEO but the question is, how should you find the perfect number?

While you are thinking about the average cost of SEO for small businesses, you should keep the goal of your SEO strategy in mind. The business website of a small business does not require as much time as an international company.

In case you have a small website or just wish to implement a starting plan for doing ongoing SEO in the house then a project-based plan is all that you need. On the other hand, if you need SEO services for an ongoing effort then hourly, project-based, and monthly plans are the best.

How to Measure Organic ROI With SEO Cost Calculator?

To figure out how much SEO will cost, you must first decide what you want to achieve. If your goal is to have as many Linking Root Domains (LRDs) as your closest competitor, you should aim to make a certain number of LRDs every month.

Make sure you include the average number of LRDs that each piece of content on your site generates when you figure out the goal. This will help you figure out how many pieces of content you will need each month to reach your goal. To figure out how many LRDs can be made each month, you will also have to think about how many links are lost each month.

Once you know how many LRDs you need every month and how much it costs to make content and do SEO every month, you can figure out how much it costs per LRD (Linking Root Domain).

When you know how much each LRD costs and how many need to be made every month, you can figure out how much money was made.

To get this number, you will need to use an SEO tool like Ahrefs, or other relevant tools to find out how much traffic you want to get, then divide that number by the number of months it will take to get there.

This will give you a good idea of how much more traffic your SEO-focused content marketing efforts can bring in on average every month.

How Much to Put In for SEO?

In case your business has just started then you do not have any room in your budget for investing a large amount in full-service marketing. That said, you will have to look for ways that make your site grow online, and to make sure that happens the site must be found easily.

Sometimes, you might find that working with a part-time SEO specialist or hiring a basic SEO package from an agency is sufficient. In the basic package, the average cost of SEO for small businesses will be affordable. As the business keeps growing, so will the size of your company, website, and SEO needs.

Once you grow, you can choose to improve your SEO strategy. This is when you can choose whether it makes sense to hire an in-house person or an agency. In either of the cases, the average cost of SEO per month will differ.

Why are Calculating SEO Costs Important?

By now, we are sure that you know the importance of SEO. It is everywhere and behind all that you see on the search engines. Now one of the reasons why SEO companies are important is because they offer expert SEO services.

When you reach out to a credible SEO agency, you will see that they will support you in all ways to bring a plan that supports your business.

While running your business, considering the average cost of SEO for small businesses should be a priority for you. To make your business successful, it may be best for you to leave the implementation of an SEO program to an experienced agency.

Do not stress about the money as you will find many SEO companies who will be flexible with their price.  

Summing Up

When you will see the revenue, traffic, and brand awareness that is yielded by SEO, the cost will not be of concern anymore. The SEO budget depends on what your company wishes to achieve and the money that it can possibly afford.

Make sure that you look for an experienced SEO company that can help your business reach more customers online. Once you choose the right company, the average cost of SEO for small businesses will not be a concerning factor anymore.

Get in touch with us to start an SEO business & drive SALES.